Friday 1 January 2016

Project Peacock

I was originally going to do a painting of a dancing man, however as I paint the background gray, I was struck with the idea of a black background.

Obviously, dancing man didn't work out. So I had to think of a different subject.

While I search the web, I can across a photo of a bird.
It was originally gonna be a parrot, but I decided I wanted to be a peacock instead.

I didn't want my peacock to be like the typical peacock image, so I searched poses for peacock and struck with the idea of its back view.

The early stages.

To my surprise, I loved how the colors popped against the black background. 

Here is my finished product: 

Pointilism Project

I had several ideas for my first appointed project, which was pointilism. My original image was:

But I underestimated the difficulty of this photo. Also there's too much detail. Doesn't mean I didn't try though. I did. I failed.

Just looking at it makes me cringe... So I decided that this was a fail and I will work on this at the end of the semester. 

When I finished my two prior projects, I came back to this project and decided to change my route and restarted all over again. My main focus was the cat this time. 

 It started out so well until I decided to make him orange. Keep in mind that in pointilism, we couldn't mix any colors together. We gotta keep it pure. Stressed and sleepy, I just went for it.

And the final product: 

It's a cat/tiger hybrid of some sort.